


abg paper 12‑11

0th Law of Thermo 2‑6, 23

1st Law of Thermo 2‑23

2001 A Space Odyssey 12‑12, 3‑14

26 million‑year cycle in fossils 12‑2

2nd Law of Newton 3‑10

2nd Law of Thermo 2‑23, 25

3 K cosmic microwaves 12‑11

3‑D movies  8‑32

3K cosmic radiation, xiii

3‑mile Island 5‑31

3rd Law of Newton 3‑3

3rd Law of Thermo 2‑23, 25

4th dimension 11‑2



a = F/m  3‑10

a = v2/R  3‑13

Abbott and Costello 1‑14(f)

ABM 1‑24

absolute temperature scale 2‑9

absolute zero 2‑8, 9

AC 6‑26

AC to DC conversion 10‑16

AC vs DC 6‑25

acceleration limit, human 3‑13

acceleration of gravity g 3‑10

acceleration, airplane 3‑13

acceleration, circular 3‑13

acceleration, rail gun 3‑12

acceleration, Space Shuttle 3‑12

accelerator 11‑6

Accelerator Mass Spectrometry 4‑20 (f)

accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS), xiii

accommodation of eye  8‑24

acronym laser 10‑6

acronyms, cutest in physics 12‑6

acting to look old  8‑25

action and reaction 3‑16

action movies 3‑18

aerodynamic smoothing 3‑11

aerosol cans 9‑16

Afghanistan 1‑11

age from radioactivity 4‑20

age of universe 12‑10

aimant 6‑12

air conditioner 2‑22 , 23

air conditioners and CFCs 9‑16

air pressure for satellites 3‑23

air pressure on mountain 3‑23

air resistance, auto 3‑11

Air, Earth, Water, Fire 2‑16

airbags  2‑18

airplane 3‑20

airplane to space 3‑20

airplane twin effect 11‑5

airplane wake dangers 3‑21

airplane, solar 1‑19 , 20

airplanes replace cars 10‑31

al Qaeda 4‑14

Alabama, USS 3‑23

Alamogordo 5‑14 5‑17

Albatross, Gossimer 1‑20, 21

albedo 9‑17

alcohol energy 1‑4

alcohol radioactivity 4‑1

alcohol radioactivity 4‑21

algorithm 10‑20

Alien (movie) 7‑7

Allen, Bryan 1‑20

alpha beta gamma paper 12‑11

alpha centauri 12‑2

alpha particle becomes helium 4‑21

alpha particles tunnel 10‑29

alpha particles; plutonium 5‑25

alpha rays, alpha particles 4‑14

alphabet binary code  8‑3

Alpher, Ralph 12‑11

Altamont Pass 1‑21

alternating current (AC) 6‑25

alternating current 6‑26

Alvarez, Luis 4‑24, 5

Alvarez, Luis 5‑36

Alvarez, Luis, xiii

AM radio 9‑22

amino acid, natural creation 12‑7

amorphous silicon 10‑12

amperes 6‑3

amplifier 10‑18

AMS 4‑20(f)

AMS, xiii

Andromeda galaxy 12‑3

Andromeda, light years 12‑8

angular momentum 3‑25, 26

animal electricity 6‑9

Antarctica 9‑14 9‑16

Anti‑Ballistic Missile 1‑24

antimatter  4‑5

antimatter engine 11‑9

anti‑matter in medical imaging 9‑29

antimatter in science fiction 11‑10

anti‑satellite weapon (laser) 10‑10

anvil head clouds 7‑18

apoptosis 5‑5

archeology dates 4‑20

Aristotle four elements 2‑16

Armageddon (movie) 1‑2

ASAT 10‑10

ASCII code  8‑3

asteroid energy 1‑23

asteroid energy 1‑4

asteroid formation 12‑1

asteroid hits earth 3‑17

asteroid impact 1‑1

asteroid impact 2‑1

asteroid impact 4‑24

asteroid that killed the dinosaurs 3‑8

astronaut speed 11‑4

astronomy using IR 9‑21

atmosphere in evening 7‑11

atmosphere temperature vs altitude 7‑17

atmosphere, "normal" temp 7‑11

atom bomb and Einstein 11‑12

atom size 4‑2

atom smasher 11‑6

atom structure 4‑2

atom, image of 4‑1

atom, photo of 10‑30

atom: nucleus + electrons 4‑2

atomic bomb ; use of term 5‑3

atomic number 4‑3

atomic secrets 5‑37

atoms and heat  2‑1

atoms, kinds 2‑2

Austin, Thomas 5‑7

Australia rabbits 5‑7

Australia solar car race 1‑19, 20

auto air resistance 3‑11

auto airbags 2‑18

auto fuel efficiency 3‑11

auto kinetic energy 1‑23

auto pollution 2‑22

auto runs on coal? 1‑12

auto, battery powered 1‑6, 7

auto, hybrid 1‑8

auto, solar 1‑19

automobile explosions in engine 2‑19, 20

automobile; electricity generation 6‑20

autos don't explode 1‑11

avalanche 5‑9

avalanche of photons (laser) 10‑6

avalanche, in night vision 10‑14



babble 3‑19(f)

Babylon, Tower of  3‑19(f)

Back to the Future (movie) 11‑15

backpacking 9‑8

Bacon, Frances 6‑12

bacteria and UV 9‑13

bacteria as chain reaction 5‑8

ballast tanks 3‑23

balloon altitude limit 3‑24

balloon, hot air 3‑22

balloons 3‑18, 21

band, marching 7‑32

Bang, The Big 12‑10

bar code reading 10‑8

Bardeen, John 10‑19

Bardeen, John 10‑21

Barrier Islands 3‑24

bats ultrasound 9‑32

battery cost 1‑7

battery energy 1‑4, 6

battery powered car 1‑6, 7

battery recharges 1‑7

BCS theory of superconductivity 10‑21

bead retroreflector  8‑26

bear eyes light up  8‑26

beats 7‑27

beaver, and Charles Townes 10‑11

Bednorz, Georg 6‑6

Beetle (Volkswagen) 2‑22

before the Big Bang 12‑15

beginning of the universe 12‑10

Bell Telephone Labs 10‑19

BernoulliÕs Law 3‑20 (f)

beta 11‑3

beta rays, beta particles 4‑14

Bethe, Hans 12‑11

Bevatron 11‑10

Bhopal tragedy 5‑31

bicycle 3‑25

bifocal lens  8‑25

Big Bang ‑ explosion of space 12‑15

Big Bang ‑ helium creation 12‑12

Big Bang 12‑10

Big Bang, cause 12‑15

Big Dipper 12‑4

bimetallic strip 2‑14

bin Laden, Osama 9‑10

binary bits  8‑3

binary code for alphabet  8‑3

bird on power line 6‑4

bit  8‑3

black body cosmic microwaves 12‑11

black hole 3‑1

black hole 3‑15, 16

black hole from the Earth 12‑14

black hole in center of galaxy 12‑14

black hole in Milky Way 12‑4

black hole, Cygnus X‑1 12‑14

black hole, in general relativity 12‑13

black light 9‑12

black to radar  8‑17

blood cell 2‑3

blue frequency  8‑4

blue‑white 9‑4

body imaged in IR 9‑30

Bohr, Neils 10‑2 10‑4

bone, measuring age 4‑20

boosted fission bomb 5‑19

border (US/Mexico) 9‑1

Border Patrol 9‑1

bothersome thoughts about the Universe 12‑14

botulism toxin 4‑25

brain image, PET 9‑30

Brattain, W. 10‑19

breast cancer image 9‑31

breeder reactor 5‑24

brilliant pebbles 1‑24

British Thermal Unit (BTU) 1‑15

Bronx High School of Science, xiii

Bronx, south, xiii

brown is white 9‑5

Brown, Robert 2‑3 (f)

Brownian motion 2‑3

Browning, Robert 5‑7

Brownlee, Don 12‑7

Bryan Allen 1‑20

BTU (British Thermal Unit) 1‑15

bubbly water, sinking 3‑22

bullet energy 1‑4

bullwhip 7‑25

buoyancy 3‑22

butter energy 1‑4

buzz 7‑29



C‑14 (radiocarbon) 4‑16

C‑14 dating 4‑20

cab fairing 3‑11

California 50 GW 1‑17

calorie  1‑15

calorie (definition) 1‑3

Calutron 5‑14; Iraqi 5‑15; photo 5‑15

camera  8‑11

camera, compared to pinhole camera  8‑23

camera, digital 10‑12

camera, pinhole  8‑11  8‑12

cancellation of electron wave 10‑2

cancellation, in oil slick  8‑10

canceling waves 7‑26

cancer and radiation 4‑6

cancer and radiation 4‑7

cancer cured with radiation 4‑13

cancer from Hiroshima 4‑10, 11

cancer paradox 4‑10

cancer; as chain reaction 5‑5

cancers from Chernobyl 4‑10

candle flame 2‑17

Candu 5‑22 5‑23

capacitance 6‑8

car air resistance 3‑11

car airbags 2‑18

car fuel efficiency 3‑11

car kinetic energy 1‑23

car pollution 2‑22

car runs on coal? 1‑12

car, battery powered 1‑6, 7

car, solar 1‑19

carbon creation in stars, not Big Bang 12‑12

carbon dioxide and warming 2‑1

carbon dioxide increase 9‑19

carbon dioxide pollution 1‑10

carbon dioxide, greenhouse gas 9‑18

carbon on Earth 12‑1

carbon‑11 and PET 9‑29

carbon‑14 (radiocarbon) 4‑16

carbon‑14 dating 4‑20

carburetor 1‑11

car‑in‑parking‑lot effect 9‑17

cars don't explode 1‑11

cassette player 6‑17

CAT 9‑28

cat eye lights up  8‑26

cat lands on feet 3‑25

cat whisker 10‑17

cathode ray tube 10‑19

cathode rays 4‑15

cauterize wounds 10‑11

CCCs 1‑4, 5

CCD 10‑13

CD case  8‑31

CDs and DVDs 10‑8

cell phone dangers 9‑24

cell phone radiation 4‑15

cells in body 5‑4

Celsius 2‑7, 8

Centigrade 2‑7, 8

centrifuge 3‑14

centrifuge 5‑16; Libya 5‑16; Pakistan 5‑17

Centurian (solar plane) 1‑19, 20

ceramic tiles 2‑10

Ceres 3‑20

cesium‑137 4‑18

cesium‑137 5‑32

CFCs 7‑18

CFCs 9‑16

CH4 energy 1‑4

chain reaction

         quantum 10‑5

          avalanche 5‑9

         bacteria 5‑8

         bomb 5‑3

         cancer 5‑5

         chess 5‑1

         compound interest 5‑10

         computer  MooreÕs Law 5‑10

         computer virus 5‑9

         DNA 5‑7 5‑8

         Fermi experiment 5‑13

         fetus growth 5‑4

         folding paper 5‑12

         lightning 5‑10

         mass extinction 5‑6

         patent 5‑13

         PCR 5‑7

         sustained 5‑22

         tree branches 5‑12

         urban legend 5‑9

         virus 5‑8

channel capacity  8‑3

charge; quantized 6‑3

charge‑coupled device 10‑13

chemotherapy 4‑13

Chernobyl 4‑8, 9, 10

Chernobyl 5‑30 5‑32

         map 4‑9

         photo 4‑9

chess 5‑1

chest x‑ray 4‑11, 12

Chicxulub crater 3‑8

China syndrome 5‑30

China, carbon dioxide production 9‑20

chlorine 9‑16

         in atmosphere 7‑18

chlorofluorocarbons 9‑16

chocolate chip cookies 1‑3

circuit breaker 6‑5

circular acceleration 3‑13

circular motion water waves 7‑7

Clancy, Tom 7‑16

Clarke, Arthur C. 3‑19, 12‑12

classified facts 5‑37, 7‑2

clean water 9‑13

cleaning statues with lasers 10‑9

clock, universal 11‑14

cloud chamber 4‑5

CO2 pollution 1‑10


         disadvantages 1‑12

         energy 1‑4

         dirt cheap 1‑12

          reserves 1‑11

coax cable 6‑4

cobalt‑60 4‑18

cobra and Muller, xiii

Coca Cola Calories 1‑3, 1‑21

coherence time 10‑7

coherent light 10‑7

cold death 2‑7

Cold War 7‑16

Coliseum, Rome 10‑8

collimated laser light 10‑7

color  8‑4

         and temperature 9‑4

         color blind  8‑8

         oil slick  8‑9

         perception  8‑8

         printed  8‑9

         quantization 10‑3

         sun  8‑7

Columbia Space Shuttle 2‑9

Columbia University, xiii

comb electricity 6‑7

comet 12‑2

         bad omen 12‑2

         cloud 12‑2

         crash  1‑1

         dinosaurs 1‑1, 12‑2

         hits earth 3‑17

         impact 2‑1, 4‑24

         killed the dinosaurs 3‑8

comma 12‑2

compass, magnetic 6‑11

Compton scattering 9‑23,10‑15


         circuits 10‑20

         cycle 2‑4

computer (continued)                                                                         hard drive 6‑17

         quantum 10‑31

         screen 4‑24

         virus 5‑9

         white illusion  8‑7

computer‑aided tomography (CAT) 9‑28

concentrator solar cell 10‑12

conduction 2‑15, 16, 24

conductor 6‑4

cones (eye)  8‑6

conservation bomb 5‑6

conservation of energy 1‑14

         in quantum physics 10‑27

contagious radioactivity 4‑23

continuum colors 10‑4

contraction when cooled 2‑14

contraction, Lorentz 11‑6

control rods 5‑23

controlled thermonuclear fusion 5‑33

convection 2‑24, 3‑24

convict criminals using DNA 5‑8

cookie energy 1‑4, 5

cool colors, roofs  9‑5

cooling tower 5‑31

         photo 5‑32

Cooper pairs 10‑21

Cooper, Leon 10‑21

core of Earth is liquid 7‑24

Core, The (movie) 6‑22

cornea  8‑24

corner reflector  8‑14

         radar  8‑15

cosmic microwave background radiation xiii, 2‑7 (f),12‑11

cosmic rays, radiation 4‑15

cosmology (unit of charge) 12‑1

coulomb 6‑2

counterfeit diamond  8‑20

counting seconds for earthquake 7‑22

Creation (poem) 12‑19

Cretaceous period 1‑1

Crimson Tide (movie) 3‑22

critical mass 5‑13

crossed polaroids  8‑31

CRT 10‑19

crush depth 3‑22

crust of Earth 4‑22

CTF 5‑33

cubic zirconia  8‑20

Curie temperature 6‑18

Curie, Pierre 6‑18

current, electric 6‑3

curved space 12‑14

cutest acronyms in physics 12‑6

cyan, magenta, yellow  8‑9

Cygnus X‑1  3‑16

CZ  (cubic zirconia) 8‑20



Daguerre, Louis  8‑12

dark energy 12‑9

dark matter 12‑5

Darwin, Charles 4‑26

dating, potassium‑argon 6‑22

David and Goliath 3‑5

Davis, Marc 12‑2

Dawn satellite mission 3‑20

de Beers cartel  8‑21

death from radiation 4‑6

decay, radioactive 4‑17

deep aspects of quantum physics 10‑23

Deep Impact (movie) 1‑2

Deep Space image 12‑4, 12‑7

deflagration 1‑6, 2‑19 (f)

degrees in temperature 2‑8

dentistry with lasers 10‑9

Denver radiation 4‑11

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) 5‑7

depleted uranium 5‑26

detonation 1‑6

deuterium 4‑3

developing nations 9‑13

         lighting  for 10‑18

         TV 3‑6

dew 9‑8

dialogue on relativity 11‑1

diamonds  8‑19

         counterfeit  8‑20

die but don't age 4‑17

diet vs exercise 1‑21

diffraction  8‑27

digestion 1‑5

digital camera 10‑12

dilation of time 11‑2

dimension, meaning 11‑2

dinosaur death 1‑1, 1‑24, 2‑1, 3‑8,17,

         iridium  4‑24

         mammal recovery 5‑6


         laser 10‑18

         rectifier 10‑16

direct current (DC) 6‑25

dirty bomb 4‑13, 14

disk drive 6‑17

disk microphone 7‑19

dismal science ‑ economics 5‑6

Disney, Walt 6‑27

Disneyland  8‑14, 9‑12

disorder 2‑4, 2‑23, 24, 25

dispersion  8‑19

dissonant music 7‑29

distance to earthquake 7‑22

distant – furthest seen unaided, Andromeda galaxy 12‑3

DNA 2‑2, 3

         natural formation 12‑7

         fingerprinting 5‑7

donor levels 10‑17

doping semiconductors 10‑18

Doppler shift 7‑30, 12‑3 12‑11, 12‑8

Dr. Strangelove 5‑20

Drake, Frank 12‑6

Drake's equation 12‑6

drones 3‑7

drowning 3‑22

duality, particle‑wave 10‑24, 5

Dumbo (movie) 6‑27

DVDs and CDs 10‑8

dynamo 6‑20

Dyson, Freeman 2‑7



E = h f  10‑1,3

E = mc2  11‑2, 8

         atom bomb 11‑12

earphones 6‑15

         noise canceling 7‑29


         age 4‑27

         black hole 12‑14

         center of universe 12‑9

         core and iron 7‑25

         core is liquid 7‑24

         crust radioactivity 4‑22

         Darwin 4‑26

         infant (poem) 12‑21

         IR emission 9‑8

         magnet 6‑12

         orbit in quantum physics 10‑25

         orbit from tower 3‑4

         radioactivity 4‑22

         radius 3‑3

         star (why not?) 4‑28, 9

         temperature (image) 9‑8


         distance estimate 7‑22,24

         list 7‑21

Eastman, George  8‑12

eclipse, solar 9‑14

Edison, Thomas 6‑23,5,6

         photo 6‑26


         auto 1‑10, 3‑11

         heat engine 2‑21

         nuclear bomb 5‑17

efficient lights 1‑17, 18

Eiffel Tower 7‑19

Eigler, Donald 4‑1

Einstein, Albert  2‑3(f),  8‑16, 10‑4 10‑5 10‑6 10‑27, 11‑1, 12‑13 12‑15

         atom bomb 11‑12

         Einstein equation 10‑1 10‑3

         Einstein factor 11‑3

         Einstein's mystery 6‑20


electric  car 1‑6, 7

         hype 1‑7

electric chair 6‑27

electric force vs distance 6‑11

electric generator 6‑19


         cost 1‑12

         static 6‑7

         animal 6‑9

electrocution of humans 6‑27

electrolysis 1‑8, 1‑10

electromagnet, superconducting 6‑15

electromagnetic radiation overview 9‑21

         wave 6‑14

electromagnets 6‑15

electron 4‑2

         electron volt (eV) 4‑27

         electron volt definition 6‑6

         force 6‑2

         free 10‑3

         in atom 10‑2

         in more than one orbit 10‑27

         microscope 10‑22

         pipe 6‑3

         rest energy 11‑9

         wave 10‑1

electroweak theory 12‑15

elements  2‑2, 4‑3

         creation in star 12‑1, 12‑12

         where created 4‑28

         ancient list 2‑16

         not radioactive 4‑22

elephant execution 6‑27


         comparisons 1‑4, 5

         conservation in quantum physics 10‑27

         conserved 1‑14

          cost kWh 1‑3

         definition 1‑2

         efficiency, lights 1‑17, 18

         forms 1‑13


             semiconductors 10‑16

             superconductors 10‑21

         heat 2‑4

         kinetic 1‑22

         mass conversion 11‑10

         mass equivalence 11‑7

         popular use of term 1‑13

         rest 11‑9

         table 1‑4

         uncertainty 10‑26

          units 1‑15

         wasted 2‑20, 21

English Channel 1‑20

entropy 2‑4, 24, 25

environmental radioactivity 4‑21

epicenter 7‑21

equation for wave  8‑2

eraser (alternate name for laser) 10‑6, 10‑11

Erlich, Paul 5‑6

escape velocity 3‑5, 9

ethanol energy 1‑4

eV 4‑27, 6‑6

evacuation paradox 5‑32

events 11‑2

         reverse in order 11‑14

everything, theory of 12‑15

Ewing, Maurice 7‑2, 13,15, 17, 19

excited atom 10‑3, 10‑6

execution, human 6‑27

exercise vs Diet 1‑21

expansion of universe  12‑8

         acceleration 12‑10

expansion, thermal 2‑10, 11, 12

explosion of comet/asteroid 1‑1

explosions 1‑2

explosive lens 5‑18

extrasolar planets 12‑3

extraterrestrial life 12‑6

eye  8‑13  8‑24

         light sensors  8‑6

         laser danger 10‑10

         resolution  8‑28

         microwave danger 9‑24

eyesight of old people  8‑24



F = GMm/r2   3‑2

F = ma  3‑10

Fahrenheit 2‑7, 8

fallout 4‑15, 4‑26

false white  8‑7

fan 3‑20

farsighted  8‑24

FAS 5‑21 5‑37

Federation of American Scientists 5‑21, 5‑37

Fermi, Enrico 5‑13

Fermilab; superconducting magnet 6‑15

ferromagnet 6‑13

fetus 5‑4

fetus image 9‑31, 2

fiber optics  8‑4,10‑13


         electric 6‑14

         magnetic; photo 6‑14

fifth (music interval) 7‑28

Filippenko, Alex 12‑10

film for camera  8‑12

finger sparks 6‑7 6‑8

fingerprints, spectral 10‑3

finite universe 12‑14

fire, diamond  8‑19

firefighting 9‑21

firewalking 2‑18, 19

First Law of Thermo 1‑14, 2‑23

fish, spearing  8‑22

Fisher‑Tropsch process 1‑11

fission 4‑25, 6

         fragments 4‑15, 4‑26

                  groundwater 5‑27

         nuclear waste 5‑28

         tunneling 10‑31

flashlight with LED 10‑17

Fleishman, Martin 5‑37

flips of Earth magnetism 6‑21

         affects life 6‑22

         geology application 6‑21

floating on water 3‑22

Florida flooding 2‑1

Florida Keys 3‑24

flow of heat 2‑24

fluorescent light 1‑17

fluorescent material 9‑12

fluorine 9‑16

         atmosphere 7‑18

flying saucer 7‑1 7‑19

flywheel 3‑25

FM radio 9‑22

focus, of lens  8‑23

for magnetism 6‑16

forensics with radioactivity 4‑23

Fountains of Paradise 3‑19

four‑color printing  8‑9

fourth dimension 11‑2

fourth power, for radiation 9‑5

fragmentation bombs 2‑17 (f)

Frankenstein 6‑9

Franklin, Benjamin 6‑9

free electron not quantized 10‑3

free will and tachyons 11‑14

Freedman, Stuart  8‑26

Freon 9‑16


         beats 7‑28

         electron 10‑2

         EM waves 9‑22

         wave 7‑10

frog legs 6‑9

fuel cell 1‑8, 9, 10, 19

fuel injector 1‑11

fuel‑air explosives 1‑11

fuse 6‑5

fusion 4‑26

         bomb 5‑18

         cold 5‑36

         controlled 5‑33, 10‑10

         creates elements 4‑28

          ignition in the Sun 12‑1

         laser 5‑35

         muon‑induced 5‑36;

         power 4‑29, 30

         sun 4‑28

         tokamak 5‑34

         tunneling 10‑30

future, remembering it 11‑15

futurists 10‑31



g factor 3‑10

Gabon nuclear reactor 5‑26

galactic year 12‑4

galaxy 12‑3

         Andromeda 12‑3

         black hole 12‑14

         companion to Andromeda 12‑4

          number of visible 12‑5

Galvani, Luigi 6‑9

gamma ray 4‑4,14, 9‑22, 25

         particle behavior 10‑16

         vs x‑ray energy 10‑15

Gamow, George 12‑11

gargling with liquid nitrogen 2‑19 (f)

Garwin, Richard 5‑37

gas 1000x less dense 2‑17

gas law 2‑18

          temperature and pressure 2‑18

         liquid, solid, plasma 2‑16


         cost 1‑7, 12

         energy 1‑4, 6, 7

         vs TNT 1‑11

gate, computer 10‑20

Gates, Bill 10‑20

General Relativity  8‑16, 11‑2 11‑11, 12‑13

generations, chain reaction 5‑3

generator; dynamo 6‑20

geometric ratio 5‑5

geostationary satellite 3‑5, 6

geosynchronous satellite 3‑5, 6

germicidal lamps 9‑13

geysers 4‑22

ghost particles (neutrinos) 4‑15

gigawatt (billion watts) 1‑16, 17

Gilbert, William 6‑20


         feels cool 2‑1, 2‑16

         index of refraction  8‑18

         shatters with heat 2‑12

Global Hawk 9‑10

Global Positioning System 3‑7, 7‑15

global warming 9‑18

         sea level 2‑13

         temperature plot 9‑20

glow of radioactivity 4‑24

gluons 4‑2, 30

         in poem 12‑20

golf clubs 5‑16

Goliath 3‑5

Gollum 10‑8

Gore, Al 10‑20

Gorenstein, Marc 12‑4

Gossimer Albatross 1‑20, 21

Gould, Gordon 10‑11

GPS 3‑7, 7‑15

gram weight examples 1‑3

Grand Coulee Dam 10‑11

Grand Vizier Sissa 5‑1

granite sound speed 7‑6

gravity 3‑1, 6‑14

         acceleration g  3‑10

         Einstein's theory of 12‑13

         force at 100 km altitude 3‑1

         force, compared to electricity 6‑2

         law 3‑2

         oil search 3‑8

         science fiction 3‑14

         virtual 3‑14

Greek alphabet 4‑4(f)

green frequency  8‑4

greenhouse effect 9‑17

         diagram 9‑18

groundwater and fission fragments 5‑27

g‑rule  3‑12

gun bomb design 5‑14

gun, rail 3‑12



Hafele, J.C. 11‑5

hair loss 4‑7


         list 4‑18

         rule 4‑17

Halloween 9‑12

halving rule 4‑17

         for air pressure 3‑23

Hamza, Khidhir 5‑18

hand grenade 2‑17

hand rubbing together 2‑1

hard drive 6‑17

Haunted Mansion, Disneyland  8‑14

head MRI image 9‑27

heat 1‑2

         as hidden kinetic energy 2‑2, 3

         engine 2‑20, 21

          enormous energy 2‑4

         flow 2‑24

         lamp 9‑7

         magnetism 6‑18

         pump 2‑1, 22, 23

         radiation 9‑3 9‑7

         re‑entry 2‑10

heavy hydrogen 4‑3

heavy vs light molecule speed 2‑6

Heisenberg uncertainty principle 10‑28

Heisenberg, Werner 10‑28

helicopter 3‑20


         balloons from radioactivity 4‑21

         created in Big Bang 12‑12

         superconductor coolant 6‑5

Hemmings, Sally 5‑8

Hermann, Robert 12‑11

Hertz = cycles per second 6‑25

hidden variable theory 10‑27

high explosive energy 1‑4

high temperature superconductor 6‑6, 10‑22

highway gaps 2‑10, 11

Hiroshima 4‑1, 10, 11. 5‑15

         bomb 5‑14

         photo 5‑14

hiss and snow 2‑5

holes in semiconductors 10‑16

holocaust (poem) 12‑20

hologram  8‑29

         supermarket 10‑8

horsepower 1‑16, 17

hot day 7‑12

house electricity 6‑9

Hubble expansion energy source 12‑9

Hubble space telescope  8‑27, 12‑4

Hubble, Edwin 12‑4 12‑8

Hubble's Law 12‑9

human acceleration limit 3‑13


         avg power 1‑16,7, 20

         IR sensitivity 9‑11

         radioactivity 4‑1

Hunt for Red October 7‑16

Hurricane Katrina 2‑11, 12

hurricanes 3‑24

Hut, Piet 12‑2

HuygensÕs principle 7‑31

hybrid auto 1‑8


         MRI 9‑27

         superconductor 10‑21

         bomb 5‑18

         economy 1‑10

         energy levels 10‑2

         energy as fuel 1‑4,1‑8, 9

         transporting energy 1‑10

         liquid temperature 1‑10

         metal 6‑6

         missing on earth 2‑6

         not a source of energy 1‑10

         spectrum 10‑3

         vs gasoline 1‑8

         wobble 9‑27

         heavy 4‑3

hydrolon 10‑24

Hz = Hertz 6‑25



i, the square root of ‑1 11‑13

IBM image 4‑1, 10‑29

IC (integrated circuit) 10‑20

ideal gas law 2‑18

identify bodies 5‑8

illegal immigrants 9‑1 9‑7


         as chain reaction 5‑8

         radiation 4‑6

image intensifier 10‑13

images 8‑10, 9‑25

          fetus 9‑31

         x‑ray 9‑26


         mass, tachyon 11‑13

         numbers 11‑13

imaging, medical 9‑25

immigrants, illegal 9‑1 9‑7

         in truck, image 9‑33

implosion 5‑17

index of refraction  8‑18

induced fission 4‑26

induced magnetism in iron 6‑17

inertial frame 11‑5

infant earth 12‑21

infection thermal image 9‑30

infinite universe 12‑14

infinity, room at 12‑9

information theory  8‑3

infrared 9‑2, 22

         sunlight  8‑7

insect image (SEM) 10‑23

insulator 6‑4

integrated circuit 5‑12

interest compounded 5‑10

interesting world 4‑28

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 9‑20

intervals, musical 7‑28

invariance of lightspeed 11‑7

inverse square law 3‑2, 6‑11, 12

inversion 7‑12

inverted image  8‑11

iodine imaging 9‑29

ion  2‑17

         rocket 3‑20

IPCC 9‑20

iPod 6‑18

IR and UV  8‑5

         astronomy 9‑21

         Earth image 9‑8

         image fence cutting 9‑2

         mosquitoes 9‑11

         scan of body 9‑30

         Stinger missile 9‑10

         sunlight  8‑7

Iraq nuclear bomb design 5‑18

iris  8‑24

iron filings 6‑14


         in Earth's core 7‑25

         magnet attraction 6‑17

isotopes 4‑3

ITER 5‑34



Jamaa el Fna, xiii

Jefferson, Thomas 5‑8

John & Mary (twins) 11‑3

joule 1‑4, 15


         comet 1‑1

         not a star 4‑29

Katrina 2‑11, 12

Keating, R.E. 11‑5

Keck telescope  8‑27

Kelvin scale 2‑9

Kelvin, William Thompson 4‑26

Khan, A.Q. 5‑17

Kilby, Jack 5‑12,10‑20

kilocalories 1‑3

kilogram = 2.2 lb 3‑2

         measure of weight 1‑23 (f)

kilojoule (table) 1‑15

kilowatt (1000 watts) 1‑16

kilowatt‑hour 1‑3

kinetic energy 1‑13, 23

         as temperature 2‑5

kinetic mass 11‑8

kissing stone 6‑11

ko‑dak sound  8‑12

Korea, North 5‑17

kWh (table) 1‑15

Kyoto Protocol 9‑21



L wave 7‑23

Lake Placid tragedy 3‑22

Land, Edwin  8‑30

landfill and earthquakes 7‑22

laser 10‑5

         acronym 10‑6

         cleaning of statue and teeth 10‑9

         diode 10‑18

         eye safety 10‑10

         eye surgery 10‑11

         fusion 5‑35

         hologram  8‑29

         light, special properties 10‑7

         measurements 10‑7

         pointer 10‑18

         printer 10‑14

         pulsed 10‑6

         weapons 10‑9

LASIK 10‑11

laundry detergent 9‑12

law of gravity 3‑2

law of thermo

         zeroth 2‑6,23

         first 2‑6 (f), 2‑23

         second 2‑23

         third 2‑23

Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory 11‑10

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, vii

Lawrence, Ernest 5‑15

Laws of Thermodynamics 2‑23

LCD  8‑32

LD50  4‑7

lead glass 9‑25

lead stops x‑rays 9‑25

lead‑acid battery 1‑7

leap, quantum 10‑3

LED 10‑17

Leidenfrost layer 2‑18, 19

lens  8‑23

         for explosive 5‑18

LEO (low earth orbit) 3‑5

         pressure 3‑23

levees, New Orleans 2‑12

levitation 6‑24

liberal arts of high tech, vii

Libyan centrifuge 5‑16

license plate, from spy satellite  8‑28

lids, tight 2‑12

life and expanding water 2‑14

lift of a balloon 3‑21, 22

light, as electromagnetic wave  8‑2

         slow  8‑17

         frequencies 9‑21

light and energy efficiency 1‑17, 18

light bulb

         current 6‑3

         power 1‑17, 18

         tungsten 9‑6

light feels gravity 11‑11

light pipe  8‑4

light saber 7‑29

light vs heavy molecule velocity 2‑6

light‑emitting diode 10‑17

lightning 6‑8

         energy 6‑9

         chain reaction 5‑10

         current 6‑3

         distance 2‑4, 7‑22

lightspeed 2‑4

          = v/c 11‑3

         can't exceed 11‑7

         for things with mass 11‑12

         same in all frames 11‑7

         table 11‑4

         tunneling beyond 11‑15

linear hypothesis 4‑7, 8, 12

lines, spectral 10‑4

lips, human (IR) 9‑11

liquid  2‑16,  6‑6

liquid crystal  8‑32

lithium‑6 in hydrogen bomb 5‑19

lithium‑ion battery 1‑7

Livermore 5‑22 5‑25

location from satellites 3‑7

lock, picking 9‑34

lodestone 6‑11

Loma Prieta 7‑21 7‑26

longitudinal wave 7‑7

looking backward in time in astronomy 12‑7

Lord of the Rings (movie) 10‑8

Lorentz contraction 11‑6

Lorentz factor 11‑4

Lorentz, H.A. 11‑6

Los Alamos 5‑22

Los Alamos Primer (book)  5‑13, 5‑37

loving stone 6‑12

Low Earth Orbit (LEO) 3‑5, 3‑7

         pressure 3‑23

luminous dials 4‑24

Lunar retroreflectors  8‑16

lying by government 7‑2, 20



MacArthur Prize, xiii

Mach equation for heating 2‑10

MACHOs 12‑6

macular degeneration 10‑11

magenta, cyan, yellow  8‑9

magic and mirrors  8‑14

Magnes, the shepherd 6‑11

magnet 6‑11,13

         made from iron 6‑12

         rare earth 6‑18

         samarium cobalt 6‑18


         recording 6‑17

         magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 9‑27

         materials 6‑16

magnetism 6‑1, 20

         Earth; affects life 6‑22

          flips of Earth 6‑21

Making of the Atomic Bomb (book) 5‑37

Malthus, Thomas 5‑5

manufacture in space 3‑8

marching band 7‑32

Marcy, Geoffrey 12‑3

Marina, SF in earthquake 7‑22

Marrakech, Morocco, xiii

Mary & John (twins) 11‑3

maser 10‑6

mass 3‑2

         conservation of 11‑9

         kinetic 11‑8

         neutrino 11‑11

         photon 11‑10

         relativistic 11‑8

Massachusetts windmills 1‑22

massless particles don't decay 11‑11

Matrix (movie) 3‑18

Maxwell, James 12‑15

mayonnaise 4‑25

McGregor, Peter 1‑1(f)


         quantum wave 10‑27

         with laser 10‑7

medical imaging 9‑25

Medium‑Earth‑Orbit 3‑7

megajoule (table) 1‑15

megawatt (million watts) 1‑16, 17

meltdown 5‑31

memory tricks 4‑3

Men in Black (movie) 7‑20

MEO 3‑7

metal electric properties 6‑3

metal‑oxide semiconductor 10‑13

meteor energy 1‑4,1‑23

meteor impact 4‑24


         source of hydrogen 1‑10

         energy 1‑4

MeV 4‑27

Mexican border 9‑1

micron 2‑3 (f)

microphone, disk 7‑19

microprocessor 10‑20

microscope  8‑26

         electron 10‑22

microwave 9‑22

         frequency  8‑5

         oven 2‑24

         radiation 4‑15

         Big Bang 12‑11

middle C (music) 7‑28

military special ops 9‑9

milk illusion  8‑22

Milky Way (poem) 12‑21

Milky Way 12‑4

millirem = rem/1000   4‑7

minerals, using UV 9‑12

mining hydrogen (you can't) 1‑10

mirage  8‑18

mirror  8‑13

         and magic  8‑14

MIT Technology Review, xiii

moderator 5‑22

Mogul 7‑19

         official report 7‑20

         retroreflectors  8‑16

mole 5‑3, 6‑3

molecules 2‑2

Molotov cocktail 1‑11

momentum 3‑16, 17

         and rocket 3‑18

         angular 3‑25, 26

monopole 6‑13


         ages 4‑20(f)

         retroreflectors (photo)  8‑16

         magnet monopoles 6‑13

         light seconds 12‑8

Moore, Gordon 5‑10

MooreÕs Law 5‑10, 20

         cartoon 5‑11

         transistors per year (graph) 5‑11

morning dew 9‑8

Morocco, xiii

MOSFET 10‑13


          and truck 3‑17

         IR 9‑11

motion, relativistic effects 11‑8

motor; electric 6‑19

mountain air pressure 3‑23


3‑D movies  8‑32

action movies 3‑18

Alien (movie) 7‑7

Armageddon (movie) 1‑2

Back to the Future (movie) 11‑15

Core, The (movie) 6‑22

Crimson Tide (movie) 3‑22

Deep Impact (movie) 1‑2

Dumbo (movie) 6‑27

Edison movie of elephant execution 6‑27

Lord of the Rings (movie) 10‑8

Matrix (movie) 3‑18

Men in Black (movie) 7‑20

Star Trek (movie) 4‑19(f)

Star Wars 7‑29

Terminator (movie) 11‑15

MRI 6‑16, 9‑27

         PET compared 9‑30

Mt. Everest 1‑1

Muller, Karl 6‑6

Muller, Richard xii, 7‑21,2

         (biography), xiii

         cobra, xiii

         Roswell 7‑20

         Earth magnetism theory 6‑21

Mullis, Kary 5‑7

multi‑channel plates 10‑14

multispectral camera  8‑8

Munk, Walter 7‑14

mushroom cloud 5‑4

music 7‑28

mv = mv  3‑16

Myth of Sisyphus 9‑2



n, index of refraction  8‑18

Nagasaki 5‑4 5‑17

Nagasaki bomb; photo 5‑18

nail bomb 2‑17

NaN3  2‑18

nanotubes 3‑19

National Ignition Facility 5‑35, 10‑10

natural gas (methane)

         energy 1‑4

         price 1‑12

natural radioactivity 4‑21

nearsighted  8‑24

negative numbers donÕt exist? 11‑14

Nemesis 1‑1,12‑2

Neptune; magnetism 6‑20

neptunium 4‑19

neutrino  4‑15

         mass 11‑11

neutron  4‑2, 14

         activation 4‑23

         charge is zero 6‑2

         thermal 5‑22

Nevada waste storage 5‑28

New Horizons satellite 4‑18

New Orleans levees 2‑11, 12

New York City 9‑24

New York Times 3‑22

Newsweek list of innovators, xiii

Newton, Isaac 3‑1,  8‑2  8‑10

         unified theory 12‑15

         law of gravity 3‑2

         Second Law 3‑10, 12

         Third Law 3‑3

Niepce, Joseph  8‑11

NIF 5‑35, 10‑10

         photo 5‑36

night sky 9‑8

night vision 10‑13

night vision 9‑9

         Border Patrol 9‑1

night, ownership of 9‑9

nitrogen for superconductor 6‑6

nitrous oxide from auto 2‑22

noise canceling earphones 7‑29

noise, electronic 2‑5

noise in fiber optics 10‑13

noisy digital photos 10‑13

North Korea; bomb dud 5‑17, nuclear test 5‑21

North pole (magnet) 6‑11

North Pole is a South Pole 6‑20

note, intervals, musical 7‑28

NOVA program 6‑22

now ‑ the meaning of the word 11‑15

Noyce, Robert 5‑12

NRM 9‑27

nuclear bomb

         chain reaction 5‑2 5‑3;

         efficiency 5‑17

nuclear engines as heat engines 2‑20

nuclear magnetic resonance 9‑27

Nuclear reactor 5‑22

         accident 3‑mile Island 5‑31

         breeder 5‑24

         control rods 5‑23

         explode like nuclear bomb? 5‑23

         fuel requirements 5‑27

         Gabon 5‑26; waste 5‑28

nuclear test, North Korea 5‑21

nuclear warhead defense 1‑24

nuclear waste storage 5‑28

         rockets 5‑29

nuclear weapon

         basics 5‑13

         weapon effects San Francisco 5‑21

         stolen 5‑20; terrorist 5‑19

         stockpile 5‑20

nuclei die but don't age 4‑17

nucleus of atom 4‑2

nucleus parts 4‑2



Oak Ridge, Tennessee 5‑14

octave 7‑28

oil search from gravity 3‑8

oil slick colors  8‑9

oil safety 5‑31

Oklo nuclear reactor 5‑26

older folks 10‑19

omens from comets 12‑2

Omnes, H.K. 10‑21

Oort, Jan 12‑2

         comet cloud 12‑2

operating room disinfect 9‑13

orbital velocity 3‑9

order of events 11‑14

Origin of Species  (Darwin) 4‑26

Osama bin Laden 9‑10


         Earth 12‑1

         repelled by magnet 6‑24


         heats atmosphere 7‑17

         hole 9‑14

         layer 3‑24, 7‑17, 9‑14



P wave 7‑22

pace of time 11‑15

Pacinotti, Antonio 6‑26

packet of a wave 7‑4

Padilla, Jose 4‑14

pair production 11‑10

paper folding 5‑12

paradox of cancer 4‑7

paradox; evacuation 5‑32

particles similar to wave packets 7‑4

particle‑wave duality 10‑24 10‑25

passage of time 11‑15

paternity and DNA 5‑8

PCBs 6‑10

PCR 5‑7

pebbles, brilliant 1‑24

pedagogy, ix

period of wave 7‑10

periodic table 2‑2

Perlmutter, Saul 12‑9

permanent magnet 6‑13

PET 9‑29

         and MRI compared 9‑30

PETN 1‑4

petroleum – not radioactive 4‑21

photocopier 10‑14

photoelectric effect 10‑12

         night vision 10‑13

photography, history  8‑11

photon 10‑5

         gravity 11‑11

         zero rest mass 11‑10

piano 7‑28

picking locks 9‑34

Pied Piper 5‑7

pilot rescue WWII 7‑2

pinhole camera  8‑11  8‑12

pinhole camera, compared to lens  8‑23

Pinole, California  8‑11

pipe bomb 2‑17

pipe for electron 6‑3

pit viper 9‑10

Planck, Max 10‑2

plane, solar 1‑19, 20

planets  6‑20

         formation 12‑1

         science fiction 3‑9

         extra‑solar 12‑3

Plank's constant 10‑2

plasma, gas, liquid, solid 2‑16

plastic feels warm 2‑1, 2‑16

Pliny 6‑11

Pluto 4‑18

plutonium 4‑1, 19, 5‑3

         bomb 5‑3, 17

         critical mass 6 kg 5‑17 breeding 5‑24

         economy 5‑24

         half‑life 5‑25

         pre‑detonation 5‑17

         production 5‑23

         toxicity 5‑25

         bomb photo 5‑18

         dangers 4‑25

         paper weight 4‑25

         neutrons in fission 5‑3

poisoning, radiation 4‑6

polarization  8‑29

polaroid  8‑30

Polaroid Corporation  8‑30

polaroid glasses for 3‑D  8‑32

pole, magnet 6‑11

politics, in the classroom, xi

polonium 4‑18

Pons, Stanley 5‑37

population bomb 5‑5

         as chain reaction 5‑5

         not exploding 5‑6

positron 4‑5, 11‑9

         creation 11‑10

         positron emission tomography 9‑29

         emitters 9‑29

potassium‑40 (K‑40) 4‑16

         dating 4‑20, 6‑22

potential energy 1‑13

pound = 0.454 kilogram 3‑2 (f)

power  1‑16

         = energy/time 1‑13

         examples 1‑17

         human 1‑16, 1‑20

         popular use of term 1‑13

         electric 6‑8

         power line 6‑10

                  with bird 6‑4

         power plant 1‑16

                  to light bulb 1‑17;

                  electricity 6‑19

         TNT 1‑5

         solar 1‑18, 19

         wind 1‑21, 22

preface, vii


         ultrasound 4‑12

         x‑rays 4‑12

         chain reaction 5‑4

pressure in a gas 2‑18

Princeton 5‑34

printed color  8‑9

printer, laser 10‑14

printing, four color  8‑9

Prius 1‑8

Project Mogul 7‑19

         report 7‑20

          retroreflectors  8‑16

proton 4‑2

         charge 6‑2

         rest energy 11‑9

proxima centauri 12‑2

PVC (solar cell) 10‑12

pwave 10‑25

pyramids 4‑15



Qaeda, al 4‑14

quad (energy table) 1‑15


         charge 6‑3

         energy 10‑2


         computer 10‑31

          leap 10‑3

         physics (chapter) 10‑1

         physics principles 10‑1

         vs relativity 10‑28

quarks 4‑2, 4‑30, 6‑2

         quark‑gluon plasma 12‑12

         quarks (poem) 12‑20



rabbits in Australia 5‑7

radar 9‑23

radar camera 9‑23, 4

radiation and cancer 4‑7

radiation and rays  4‑4

         cell phones 4‑15

         dose from different cities 4‑11(f)

         dose table 4‑7

         heat 2‑24

         human 9‑7

          illness 4‑6, 7

          list 4‑14

         paradox 4‑7

         seeing 4‑5

         treat cancer 4‑13

         vs. temperature 9‑3

radio frequency  8‑5

radioactive decay 4‑1, 17

         alcohol 4‑1

         body 4‑16

         confused with radiation 4‑4

         energy from mass 11‑9

         environment 4‑21

         natural 4‑21

         petroleum 4‑21

         uncertainty in time 12‑16

         watch 4‑24

         weak force 4‑22

radiocarbon  (C‑14) 4‑16

         dating 4‑20

Radioisotope Thermal Generator 4‑18

radiological weapons 4‑13, 14

radium watch 4‑24

radon and cancer 4‑11(f)

rail gun  3‑12, 20, 6‑24

rainbow  8‑22

         colors  8‑5,10‑4

raindrops  8‑22

raisin bread analogy 12‑8

random motion in heat 2‑4

Rare Earth (book) 12‑7

rare earth magnet 6‑18

rat bomb 5‑6

rays and radiation 4‑4

         list 4‑14

reaction 3‑16

reactivity accident 5‑32

recoil  3‑16, 17

recording, magnetic 6‑17

rectifier 10‑17

red blood cell 2‑3

red eye  8‑25

red frequency  8‑4

red hot 9‑4

Red Sea splitting as mirage  8‑19

red shift of distant galaxies 12‑8

red‑eye  8‑15

re‑entry heating 2‑10

refraction in water  8‑21

refrigerator 2‑22

         CFCs 9‑16

reinforcing waves 7‑26

relative motion 11‑5

relativistic 11‑1

         effects of motion 11‑8

         general 12‑13

         mass 11‑8

         vs quantum 10‑28

rem 4‑6

remember the future? 11‑15

remnant magnetism 6‑17

remote control device 9‑11

remote detection of pollution from smokestacks 10‑5

reprocessing of uranium 5‑24

resistance, electric 6‑4

         zero 6‑5


         from space  8‑28

          of eye  8‑28

rest energy 11‑9

retina  8‑24

         detached 10‑11

retroreflector  8‑14

         bead  8‑26

         radar  8‑15

         stop sign  8‑25

return path, electricity 6‑4

Rhodes, Richard 5‑37

Richter, Charles 7‑21

         earthquake scale 7‑21

rifle recoil  3‑16, 17

RNA natural formation 12‑7

robots in home 10‑31

rock and sling 3‑5

rock, measuring age 4‑20

Rockefeller, John D. 6‑25, 9‑19

rocket 3‑18

         ion 3‑20

         multiple stage 3‑18, 19, 11‑7

         nuclear waste 5‑29

rocks, smart 1‑24

rods (eye)  8‑6

Roentgen 4‑6 (f)

Roentgen, Wilhelm 4‑6 (f), 9‑25 9‑26

roofs, cool 9‑5

room at infinity 12‑9

rope wave 7‑7

Roswell 7‑1, 7‑19

RTG 4‑18

runner acceleration 3‑10

Russian nuclear test 7‑19

Rutherford, Ernest 4‑2

Ryan, George 5‑8



S wave 7‑22

SaddamÕs Bombmaker 5‑18

samarium cobalt magnet 6‑18

         for levitation 6‑24

San Francisco nuclear explosion effects 5‑21

San Ysidro 9‑1

SAR 9‑23

satellite force 3‑3

satellite, weather 9‑9

sautˇ 2‑18, 19

scanning electron microscope 10‑22

scanning tunneling microscope 4‑1, 10‑29

Schockley, W. 10‑19

Schrieffer, Robert 10‑21

science fiction

         antimatter fuel 11‑10

         gravity 3‑14

         planets 3‑9

screwdriver 6‑17

sea level rise 2‑1, 2‑13

sea surface temperature 9‑8

sea water expansion 2‑1

sea‑level rise 2‑1, 13

search for extraterrestrial intelligence 12‑7

Second Law of Thermo 2‑23, 25

secrets 5‑37

         hydrogen bomb 5‑18

         magnetic compass 6‑11

seeing radiation 4‑5


         image 7‑23

         on internet 7‑24

selenium 10‑14

SEM (scanning electron microscope) 10‑22

semiconductor 6‑4, 10‑16

Serber, Robert 5‑37

Serkis, Andy 10‑8

SETI 12‑7

shadow zone for sound 7‑12

shallow water waves 7‑8

Shannon, Claude  8‑3

         theorem 10‑13

shattering glass 2‑12

shhhhh‑ooooo 7‑30

Shoemaker‑Levy (comet) 1‑1

short range 6‑14

short wave packet 7‑4

Shugart, Howard 2‑19 (f)

sidewalk cracks  2‑10, 11

Sievert 4‑6

significant amount uranium 5‑3

Silent Service 7‑16

silicon rectifier 10‑17

silver halide  8‑12

silver used in film  8‑12

simultaneity 11‑14

sinking ships 3‑22

Sirius, distance 12‑8

size of atom 4‑2


         x‑ray 9‑26

         CAT scan 9‑28

skyhook  3‑19

sling 3‑5

slinky 7‑3

slow light  8‑17

smart rocks 1‑23, 24

smoke detectors 4‑19

Smoot, George 12‑4

snake and Muller, xiii

snake, IR 9‑10

sneeze, astronaut 3‑1, 3‑19

snow and hiss 2‑5

sodium azide 2‑18

sofar 7‑2 7‑14


         airplane 1‑19, 20

          auto 1‑19

          cell 10‑12

          companion star 12‑2

          power 1‑18, 19

                 for satellite 4‑18

          power future, vii

          spectrum  8‑7

         solar system 12‑1

solid, liquid, gas, plasma 2‑16

sonar 9‑32

Sosus 7‑16

sound  7‑4

         as a wave 7‑3

         atmosphere 7‑10, 17, 19

         bends direction 7‑10

         channel 7‑13

         distant 7‑12

         evening 7‑11

         none in space 7‑7

         ocean 7‑2

         ocean 7‑2

         sense of 7‑29

         shadow zone 7‑12

         Sound Fixing and Ranging (sofar) 7‑14


              in materials 7‑5,6

             vs loudness 7‑6

              vs altitude 7‑17

         sun 7‑6

         through door 7‑33

         wavelength 7‑30

Sound Navigation and Ranging (sonar) 9‑32

Sound Surveillance System 7‑16

South pole (magnet) 6‑11

space at infinity 12‑8

Space Shuttle

         acceleration 3‑12

         tragedy 2‑9

space, curved 12‑14

spaceship, gravity 3‑14

space‑time continuum 12‑15

sparks 6‑7 6‑8

         chain reaction 5‑10

speakers 6‑15

special operations 9‑9

special relativity 11‑1


         fingerprints 10‑3

         hydrogen 10‑3

         hydrogen and helium compared 10‑4

         lines 10‑4

         origin of word  8‑20

         sun  8‑7, 10‑4

speed of light

         exceeded by tachyon 11‑12

         glass and relativity 11‑10

         unchanged 11‑7

speed of molecules 2‑3

speed of sound 2‑3

Sperm whales 3‑23

spin, electron magnetism 6‑13, 6‑17

Spindel, Robert 7‑14


         light  8‑27

         waves 7‑32


         plane SR‑71  2‑15

         satellites  3‑7,  8‑28

square‑root of minus one 11‑13

SR‑71 spy plane  2‑15

SST 9‑8

stadium TV 10‑17

star close to the sun 12‑2

Star Trek (movie) 4‑19(f)

Star Wars 7‑29

starlight scope 10‑14

states of matter 2‑16

static electricity 6‑7

Statue of Liberty 1‑22, 7‑19

stealth  8‑16

steam explosion 5‑32

steel sound speed 7‑6

Stefan's Law 9‑5

stimulated emission 10‑5

stinger missile 9‑10

STM 4‑1, 10‑29

stockpile stewardship 5‑22

stop sign  8‑25

stopping time 11‑15

storm surge 3‑24, 25

Strangelove, Dr. 5‑20

stress, detected by polarization  8‑32

string theory 4‑2, 6‑3, 12‑16

strip, bimetallic 2‑14

strontium‑90 4‑18, 5‑28

student, ideal, vii

submarine depth 3‑22


         magnetism to find 6‑19

         nuclear 5‑22

         sonar 9‑32


         binary star? 12‑2

         black hole 3‑1,15, 16, 12‑14

         fusion 4‑27, 29

         light minutes 12‑8

         power 1‑18, 19

         spectrum  8‑7, 10‑4

         temperature 2‑14, 9‑5

         tunneling in 10‑30

sunburn 9‑13

sunglasses, polarized  8‑31

sunlight, IR  8‑7

superconductivity 6‑5, 10‑21

         BCS theory 10‑21

         high temperature 6‑6,10‑22

         repelled by magnet 6‑24

superman and lead 4‑14

supermarket laser 10‑8

supernova  12‑12

          in poem 12‑21

supernova 12‑12

surge, hurricane 3‑24

synthetic aperture radar 9‑23

Szilard, Leo 5‑13


T4   9‑5

table of contents, iii

tachyon 11‑12

         causality 11‑14

         energy equation 11‑13

         gun 11‑14

Talbot, William  8‑12

Taliban 1‑11

teeth, cleaned with lasers 10‑9

telescope  8‑26


         flicker 6‑27

         satellite 3‑5

         screen 4‑24

         signals 9‑22

temperature 2‑5

         and color 9‑4

         atmosphere 3‑24

         Curie 6‑18

         in the sun vs shade 2‑14

         of sun 9‑5

         of the Earth 9‑17

         scales 2‑7, 8

tension, high 6‑10

terawatts 1‑17

Terminator (movie) 11‑15


         x‑ray backscatter 9‑33

         plutonium 5‑24

         nuke 5‑19

Tesla, Nikola 6‑23 6‑25 6‑26

         coil 6‑23

Tesla Roadster 1‑7

theory of everything 12‑15

thermal expansion 2‑10, 11, 12

thermal neutrons 5‑22

thermal radiation 9‑3

thermal springs 4‑22

Thermodynamics, list of laws 2‑23

thermography 9‑30

thermometer   2‑13, 14

thermonuclear bomb 5‑18

Third Law of Newton  3‑3

three dimensions in movie  8‑32

Three‑Mile Island 5‑31

thunderhead, photo 7‑18

thunderstorm 3‑24

tidal wave 7‑8

tight lids 2‑12


         creation of 12‑15

         dilation 11‑2

         does it move? 11‑15

          flow 2‑25

         its beginning 11‑15

         looking backward in astronomy 12‑7

         passage of 11‑15

         stopping time 11‑15

         travel 11‑15

         two dimensions of 11‑15

TNT (trinitrotoluene) 1‑2, 1‑3

         energy 1‑4, 5

         explodes 2‑17

         vs uranium 1‑11

tokamak photo 5‑34

tomography 9‑28 9‑29

tooth x‑ray 4‑11, 12, 14

Topsy executed 6‑27

torque 3‑25

tower launch of satellite 3‑4

Tower of Babylon 3‑19(f)

towers, microwave 9‑23

Townes, Charles 10‑6

         beaver story 10‑11

Toyota Prius 1‑8

track in cloud chamber 4‑5

traffic light LED 10‑18

transformer 6‑23

          invented 6‑26

transistor 10‑16,18

         slang for "transistor radio" 10‑19

         noise 2‑5

         transistor radio 5‑12

transverse wave 7‑7

tree branches as chain reaction 5‑12

trinitrotoluene (TNT) 1‑2, 3

tritium 4‑18

         computer screen 4‑25

         watch 4‑24

tritone 7‑29

tropopause 3‑24

         mushroom cloud 5‑4


         air resistance 3‑11

         mosquito 3‑17

         imaging 9‑33

Truman, President Harry 5‑14

Tsp vs tsp 1‑3

tsunami 7‑8

         outrunning 7‑9

tub water drains and spins 3‑25

tube, vacuum 10‑19

tulips  8‑21

tungsten light bulb 9‑6

tunneling 4‑22, 3 10‑28

         in the sun 10‑30

turbulent water 3‑22


         flicker 6‑27

         satellite 3‑5

         screen 4‑24

         signals 9‑22

twin effect 11‑2

         general relativity 12‑13

         on airplane 11‑5

tzhu shih 6‑12

U.S.S. Alabama  3‑23

U‑235 and U‑238   4‑3, 4

         Hiroshima bomb 5‑14

         unenriched 5‑22

UFO 7‑1 7‑19

Ukraine 4‑8

ultrasonics and ultrasound 4‑12,  9‑31

         image of fetus 9‑32

         bats 9‑32

         sonar 9‑32

ultraviolet 9‑12

         frequencies 9‑22

         germs 9‑13

         IR  8‑5

         ozone 9‑14

         protection 9‑13,14

Ultraviolet Waterworks 9‑13

UN and radiation 4‑12

uncertainty 10‑25

         energy 10‑26

          in predictions 12‑16

         principle precise statement 10‑28

Unified Field Theory 12‑15

United Nations 9‑20

Universe 12‑1

         black hole 3‑16

         expansion 12‑8

         expansion acceleration 12‑10

          finite 12‑14

         infinite 12‑14

         made of unknown material 12‑6

         puzzles 12‑1


uranium 4‑18

         energy 1‑4

         enrichment from centrifuge 3‑14

         isotopes 4‑3, 4

         vs TNT 1‑11, 12

         depleted 5‑26

         hexafluoride 5‑16

         natural 5‑14

         reprocessing 5‑24

         significant amount 5‑3

         terrorist bomb 5‑14

Uranus; magnetism 6‑20

urban legends 5‑9, 9‑24


UV 9‑12

         frequencies 9‑22

         germs 9‑13

         IR  8‑5

         ozone 9‑14

         protection 9‑13,14

UV waterworks 9‑13




         explodes (poem) 12‑20

         self‑repulsion? 12‑10

vacuum tube 10‑19

valve 10‑19

van de Graaff generator 6‑8


         deep water waves 7‑8

         Earth 12‑4

         relativity 11‑6

         shallow water waves 7‑8

         wave, equation 7‑10

vents under the sea 4‑26 (f)

Vesta 3‑20

videotape 6‑17

Virgo cluster (poem) 12‑21

virtual gravity 3‑14

virus as chain reaction 5‑8

volcanic heat 4‑21

volcanoes, undersea 3‑22

Volkswagen bug 2‑22

volt 6‑6

Volta, Alessandro 6‑6


         danger 6‑9

         Europe 240 V 6‑10, 25

         power = volts x amps 6‑8

         house 6‑7

Voyager spacecraft 4‑19



wake of airplane 3‑21

Ward, Peter 12‑7

warmth of the Earth 9‑17

warticle 10‑25

Washington Monument 7‑19

waste from nuclear reactor 5‑28


         magnetized 6‑17

         radioactive 4‑24


         boiling and freezing 2‑7, 8

         expansion when cooled 2‑14

         floating on 3‑22

         fuel for fusion 5‑33

         index of refraction  8‑18

         role in life 12‑12

         sound compared with water wave 7‑6

         sound speed 7‑6

         surface waves 7‑7

         valve amplifier 10‑19

         vapor as greenhouse gas 9‑18

         vapor, remote detection 9‑9

         wave velocity deep waves 7‑8

         waves ‑ circular motion 7‑7

         waves (shallow) 7‑8

Waterman Award, xiii

wateron 10‑24

watt = 1 joule/sec 1‑13

Watt, James  1‑13, 1‑14(f)

watt‑hour (Wh) 1‑4

waves 7-1, 7-3

         cancel 7‑26 7‑27

         bending 7‑31

         equation  7-10, 8‑2

         water 7‑7

         packet 7‑4

         electron 10‑1

         tidal 7‑8

         tsunami 7‑8

wavelength 7‑7

         EM waves 9‑22

wave‑particle duality 10‑24 10‑25

we own the night 9‑9

weakly interacting massive particles 12‑6

weapon, laser 10‑10

weather balloon 7‑1

weather satellite 3‑5, 9‑9

weight 3‑1

         on Moon 3‑2

         losing 1‑21


         astronaut 3‑1, 3, 4

         manufacturing 3‑8

Wells, Orson 7‑19

Westinghouse, George 6‑27

whale song 7‑2, 14

whales depth 3‑23

whisker, cat 10‑17


         computer screen  8‑7

         false  8‑7

         white hot 9‑4

         whiter than white 9‑12

whole body dose 4‑6, 7

Wien Displacement Law 9‑4

Wilson, Charles 4‑5

Wilson, Robert 12‑11

WIMPs 12‑6

wind power 1‑21, 22

windburn 9‑14

wings 3‑20

Witch of Yucca Mt 5‑29

wobble, hydrogen and MRI 9‑27

World Meteorological Organization 9‑20

World War II 7‑2

          radar 9‑23

X Prize  3‑1, 10, 11

xenon atom image 4‑1

Xerox 10‑14

X‑files 7‑2

x‑ray 4-14, 9-22, 25

         backscatter 9‑33

         doses 4‑11

         imaging 9‑25

         pyramids 4‑15

         pregnancy 4‑12

Yankees, New York, xiii

year, galactic 12‑4

yellow, cyan, magenta  8‑9

Yucca Mt. 5‑28

         Witch 5‑29

zero resistance 6‑5

zero, absolute 2‑8, 9

zeroth Law of Thermo 2-6, 2‑23

zircon  8‑20