The title is WHAT?
Flirtation in Cienfuegos at lunch
More flirtation
A one lunch romance?
Barry Bonds signature series -- in Cienfuegos
Palacio de Valle, home of sugar merchant Acisclo del Valle Blanco, built in 1913-17. Turned by Batista into a casino, now a restaurant.
Rosemary explains what is meant by "balloon frame."
The Moorish part of Palacio de Valle.
Hotel Union in Cienfuegos
Marti Square in Cienfuegos
The child appeared to have just learned to ride a bicycle
Teatro Terry, with school children
UNEAC (Union Escritores y Artistas de Cuba).
Orland Garcia Martinez (historian and writer) and Iliane Ferriol Martinez.
He discussed how an artist must criticize society -- but of course, never the government.
Musicians enjoy Rich's video of the UNEAC lecture.
Artists secretly drawing caricatures of the group
Adam, Jim, Helen, Lorna, Sharon, Shelley, and Rosemary
Concert (and dance lesson) at UNEAC in Cienfuegos. Their ages span 7 decades.
Oxen, farmer, wagon
New cane
Hotel Raquel in Havana
The entrance to Hotel Raquel.
No Cubans allowed.
Hotel Raquel facade
Lobby of Hotel Raquel
Looking up from the lobby
Skylight in Hotel Raquel. It roared when a storm hit.
Rosemary relaxing.
Relaxing at the studio of Zaida del Rio on Calle Oficios.
Art with many interpetations
Home of Carlos Esteves
Carlos Esteves discusse his work
Art of Carlos Esteves
Jim cools with Lorna's fan
Maritza Corrales Capestany and young genius, in library of the synagogue in Havana (Patronato & Centro Sefardi).
Synagogue Centro Hebreo Sefardi, where we attended a service.
Children on street near the synagogue.
Dinner at Centro Hebreo Sefaradi. We each introduce ourselves.
Leaf patterns
Plaza Vieja
Wall painting. Compare the two groups.
Sandra gives to an old women.
Catedral de la Habana
Service in Catedral de la Habana
Street market
Revolucion somos todos
(Revolution R Us)